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Don't throw the disposable mask when it's used up. It's a wonderful little thing. It saves a lot of money in a year
发表时间:2020-06-08     阅读次数:     字体:【

In daily life, disposable masks are used by many friends, but most people don't know that disposable masks can be reused. Do you know what's the use of the white strand inside the disposable mask when it's disassembled? Today, I'd like to share with you a way to use the disposable mask waste, which can save a lot of money for the family in a year. Let's take a look at what the disposable masks can do at home!

Waste utilization of disposable masks

Wonderful use of disposable mask I: data cable

First, prepare a disposable mask, cut off one side of the disposable mask with scissors, and take out the white strands inside. Then fold the data line into a coil and tie it up with a white strand. In this way, the stored data lines will not be knotted or scattered, but also save space.

Wonderful use of disposable mask II: making hook

Similarly, take out the white strands from the disposable mask. First fold the white strand in half, then bend the bottom of the white strand upward to form a hook shape. Finally, prepare a section of double-sided tape and stick it on the door. Every time I go home, I can directly hang the key on it, so that I can avoid the trouble of not finding the key every time I go out. Secondly, the key hanging on the door can also remind you to take the key when you go out.

Three wonderful functions of disposable mask: protecting electrical plug

In the same way, make a hook out of the white strands inside the disposable mask. Then stick the hook on the kitchen wall, and hang the plug of the appliance on the white strand every time it is used up. This can avoid the plug on the desktop with water, there is a security risk. Secondly, hanging up the plug can protect the plug and extend its service life.

After reading this life tips, the disposable mask you are willing to waste? Quickly learn this skill, cut off the disposable mask and take out the white strands in it, which solves the troubles of many families. Have you learned how to use disposable masks? Hurry up and try it at home!

The disposable masks that are used up are turned into treasures. If you think they are practical, please forward them to your friends and help more people in need. If you have a better way, you can comment and interact below.

下一篇:How to reuse disposable mask correctly?

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