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The correct use of disposable masks can cause disease if not used correctly
发表时间:2020-06-08     阅读次数:     字体:【

As novel coronavirus pneumonia in China continues to improve, in the process, masks are important anti epidemic materials. Once improved, disposable respirators become a necessity for our lives. Because the cost of disposable mask is low, the production process is relatively simple, the wearing comfort is relatively high, and the anti-virus effect is enough to meet the daily needs, so it seems that the cost-effectiveness of disposable mask in our daily epidemic prevention is still very high, such a mask with high cost-effectiveness, so we know the right way to use disposable mask?

Centralized collection of waste masks

1、 Real one-time use, do not use more than once

2、 Harmful. The used disposable mask belongs to the medical hazardous waste, especially in the previous period when the epidemic was raging, the used disposable mask should be collected intensively, destroyed in a special way, cut off the source of infection of the virus, so as to prevent the spread of the virus.

Centralized treatment of waste masks

3、 When purchasing disposable masks, try to choose white or light colored ones, and try not to choose black or dark ones, because black or dark colors are dyed by chemical impregnation, and wearing them for a long time is not conducive to people's health.

4、 When purchasing disposable masks, see clearly the expiration date of the masks, and do not use expired products or masks without expiration date.

The production date and validity period of disposable masks should be clear

5、 Pay attention to the front and back sides of disposable masks. Generally, the front side is outward, and the back side is pasted with the nose and mouth. Some disposable masks are made of white on the side contacting the nose and mouth, so it is not easy to take them wrong.

Are you wearing disposable masks right?

上一篇:How to reuse disposable mask correctly?
下一篇:Wearing a mask can prevent pollen allergy disposable medical mask can play a protective role

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