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Wearing a mask can prevent pollen allergy disposable medical mask can play a protective role
发表时间:2020-06-08     阅读次数:     字体:【

From April to May every year, Beijing willows are fluttering, which brings inconvenience to people's travel. Willow catkins carry pollen grains of poplar and willow, which are the main early spring sensitizing pollens in Beijing. According to plant species, the first peak of pollen concentration in Beijing is from mid March to mid April, and the second peak is from mid April to late May.

During the flying catkins period, allergic patients will have nasal allergy symptoms. It is recommended to implement preventive drug treatment. Pollen allergy patients can choose to use antiallergic drugs in the first two weeks of pollen period, which can delay the onset of symptoms, or reduce the symptoms when the allergy occurs. These drugs can be used until the end of pollen period, including the whole process of prevention and treatment.

During the epidemic prevention and control period, it is necessary to wear a mask when going out, whether it is to prevent new coronavirus or poplar catkins allergy. Disposable medical masks can play a protective role, and try not to wear coats that are easy to adhere to the flocs.

Wash your hands first after going out, clean your nose and face at the same time, and clean the catkins on your coat in time. For outdoor exercise, try to choose a time with less catkins, such as in the morning, at night or after rain.

During the high incidence period of willow catkins, the window opening time shall be minimized, and the indoor catkins shall be cleaned or watered in time, especially the catkins attached to the surface of heating appliances such as electric heaters and the surface of furniture and floor. The indoor catkins can be cleaned in time with vacuum cleaners. Do not dry the clothes outside to prevent the catkins from adhering. Clean the interior of the car regularly, and clean the flying flocs and dust in time.

The daily diet is mainly light, drink more water, eat more fruits, vegetables and other food, and eat less spicy and irritant food, such as mutton, sweets, wine and so on. In spring, the climate is dry, which is easy to cause fire and boredom. Pay attention to adjust the mood and keep a healthy and peaceful state of mind.

Spring pollen is not limited to willow catkins, but also includes early spring elm, cypress pollen and late spring ash, pine, birch pollen. Just because willow catkins are visible to the naked eye, they are easy to be concerned. Therefore, we should not judge whether the pollen season is past by the appearance of willow catkins, and the most accurate information should be broadcast according to the pollen of the meteorological department. Tongren Hospital and China Meteorological Network jointly launched real-time pollen monitoring and forecasting. Patients with pollen allergy can log in to China Meteorological Network or Beijing wechat to check the pollen index as a travel reference. (Wang chengshuo)

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